27 November 2017
In a recent study done at the University of Maryland Dental School, Anthony von Frauhofer, PhD, the chief researcher, found some eye-opening evidence that suggests some precaution when it comes to the popular sport and energy drinks.
The researchers immersed pieces of human enamel (outside covering of the tooth and the hardest substance in the body) in 13 popular beverages. The study found that non-cola drinks, energy and sports drinks, and commercial lemonade "showed the most aggressive dissolution effect on dental enamel," and in fact, were up to 11 times more erosive than cola. High levels of some additives, such as citric acid, caused the disintegration of the teeth. Frauhofer advised that people do not sit and sip these drinks for a long period of time and that you follow up the energy drink with some water to help rinse away the potentially damaging acids. Our suggestion is: skip the energy drink and stick with water!
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