30 November 2017
We recently attended a meeting on orthodontic treatment for OSA. What is OSA? OSA stands for obstructive sleep apnea. It occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep. The ability to breathe is temporarily lost causing the person suffering from OSA to wake from sleep multiple times during the night. To be properly diagnosed with OSA, one must see a sleep doctor. The orthodontist comes into play NOT in the diagnosing, but in helping treat the OSA with an oral appliance or through orthodontic treatment.
The primary cause of OSA is the tongue blocking the airway during sleep. Anything that can be done to prevent the tongue from blocking the airway reduces the effects of OSA. The orthodontist has the unique ability through orthodontic treatment to create more room for the tongue to rest in a more forward position. The orthodontist can also have an appliance custom made that holds the lower jaw in a forward position during sleep to help reduce apnea events.
What is even scarier is that kids can also suffer from OSA. Does your kid snore? Kids shouldn't snore, and if they do, they could be suffering from OSA. OSA can affect their growth, IQ level, mood, and behavior. Most kids suffering from OSA don't act lethargic but typically are hyperactive as a defense mechanism to being drowsy. Kids with OSA often suffer from GERD, ADHD, and sometimes enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Your ability to breathe and get proper rest is so important for your health that signs of OSA should not be ignored.
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